Ulm Anatomist honored with the Felix-Jerusalem-Prize

Presentation of the 1st place of the Felix-Jerusalem-Prize (from left): Silke Schlüter (Deputy Chairwoman of the DGM), prize winner PD Dr. Alberto Catanese, Prof. Wolfgang Müller-Felber (laudator) and the representative of the sponsor Sanofi, Dr. Susanne Otte (Photo: Joachim Sproß, DGM)

The German Society for Muscle Diseases has awarded PD Dr Alberto Catanese the Felix Jerusalem Prize, whose scope is to promote research in the field of neuromuscular diseases. The Ulm scientist PD Dr Alberto Catanese receives the first prize for his work on new transcription and mutation signatures in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using innovative methods such as machine learning. In his research group at the Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University of Ulm, Catanese investigates the cell biology of neurodegenerative diseases, in particular the pathomechanisms that affect the motor neurons of ALS patients. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is an incurable disease of the motor neurones that leads to muscle paralysis and usually death within a few years. The Felix Jerusalem Prize was awarded on 8 March at the DGKN Congress for Clinical Neurosciences in Frankfurt am Main.
