
Yokochi Fund

Nachwuchsstipendien für Japan: Der Chihiro and Kiyoko Yokochi Fund der Kanehara Foundation richtet sich an deutsche NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen aus dem Bereich der Medizin und Zahnmedizin. Gefördert wird ein 3-12monatiger Forschungsaufenthalt an einer Institution einer medizinischen oder zahnmedizinischen Fakultät in Japan.
Das Programm wird ganzjährig ausgeschrieben.


* 30. Oktober 2014 für eine erste Auswahlrunde
* 30. April 2015 für eine zweite Auswahlrunde

Weitere Informationen:

The Chihiro and Kiyoko Yokochi Fund of theKanehara Foundationprovides scholarships to young German researchers working in medicine or dentistry. It supports a 3-12 months stay at an institution settled at a Japanese School of Medicine or Dentistry. Application deadlines are

* October 30th, 2014, for a first round of selection
* April 30th, 2015, for a second round of selection

More informationat:

The Chihiro and Kiyoko Yokochi Fund was established in January 1999 through a donation by ChihiroYokochi, M. D., emeritus Professor of Anatomy of the Kanagawa Dental College, Yokosuka, Japan in memory of his beloved wife, the late Kiyoko Yokochi, who died in September 1995. It was her wish to organize a scholarship program for German medical students. The aim of the fund is to promote a special program to support young German researchers who wish to pursue basic medical science in medical schools or institutes in Japan.
